Friday, November 17, 2023

Derby Neck Library Kid's and Teen's Makerspaces

Today I'd like to talk about the Derby Neck Library's children's room makerspace and the exciting arrival of their new teen makerspace.  In my search for Connecticut library makerspaces, Derby Neck Library is unique since their focus is on young people.  As this is one of my local libraries, I visit there often.  This time, I decided to bring my 4 year old grandson with the intent of engaging with the kid's makerspace.  

First, let's take a look at the many options for creation that the children's room has to offer.  Please excuse the photo formatting, I haven't quite figured out the best way to add multiple photos. 

There are plenty of art supplies to be found.

Construction Paper 
Rolled Sheet Paper and
Fuse Bead Pegboards

Tapes and Misc. Art Supplies

Stickers, Crayons, and Colored Pencils

Lots of Glue
(up high!)
and Rainbow Looms
Paint brushes

Large Tables with Cutting Mat

Besides arts and crafts, there is also a fantastic array of building options.

Magnetic Shapes, Blocks, etc.

Building Blocks and Logs

Marble Run and other Building Supplies

Lego Wall

My grandson was excited to use the buildable dinosaurs!  They come in pieces and you attach them using the provided screws.  He's 4 years old so using the screw drivers was tricky, but he got the hang of the little drill right away. A very kind staff member went and got him new batteries since they were running low.  

While the staff member was replacing the batteries for us we chatted.  That's when I found out that there will be a new teen makerspace area soon.  They had a 3D printer kept in the children's room that will move to the teen area, along with sewing machines and adult coloring books with markers and colored pencils.  He was unsure what else might be offered.  He did say they are adding the teen makerspace because they have found that teens often migrate to the children's area out of boredom.  There is currently not much to do in the teen area besides read.  Since the public middle school and high school are right up the hill from the library, many teens walk there after school to hang out with friends and the library is hoping to give them more options as time goes on.  I'll be headed back there to update this post with photos soon!

Once our dinos were built, my grandson wanted to play some games.  Then we moved on to arts and crafts.  He had a great time making his dad a picture from the supplies he found.  I appreciate that they are all kid friendly and easy for the children to access themselves. 

We had a great time, spending over two hours at the library before we even started looking at books.  I didn't include photos of every item they have for use, but I hope this gives you a good idea of what Derby Neck Library has to offer. This is a great option for a rainy day, a no cost outing, or just a fun day out!

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Makerspace Class Project

 Hi Everyone! If you've been following along on my blogging journey, you'll know that I started this blog as part of a course called...